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I have moved!
Saturday, January 19, 2008



♥ 16 voice out ♥

As I wonder.. @ 10:27:00 PM

Now Im running and screaming, ;in genting.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The trip on the cable car was probably one of the unforgettable moments. If Im not mistaken the front car consist of Alex and the gang.

We finally reached the city of entertainment, first mission? Sleep.

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." -Marcel Proust
While most people enjoying their holidays back in hometown, which sounded fun as they've never been back for quite sometime, I had my own share of joy and happiness too. With loved ones, theres nothing comparable with the weekend I had during holiday.

One of the very few girls that went ;p.
Despite alex showing his middle finger, I guess everyone is happy that we've finally reached.

All I wanted to do right now its to thank everyone who made it one of the most joyful holidays I ever had, and I am sorry that I kept repeating the annoying voice because for some reason its addictive and funny mind ya *point at Rosalind*.

The sub-coordinator of the entire group, Sharon who seems to be loosing control, or rather voice lol, yet we've not going on any rides yet.

7am bus, arrived at 12 noon in genting wasn't really a bad timing. Oh well I enjoyed eating KFC near pudu with you guys, and I found out, most of the people that I made friends with are Melakans which I find it shocking lol.

The first ride we took, spinning cups. ( p/s : I nearly puke on my first roller coaster ride which is nothing. sweatness )

Hell yeah, I took the lamest roller coaster ( yeah thats what they say ) and I nearly puke, I guess they all laughed at me and I swore that I wont take the corkscrew. Well, I was wrong, despite all the reason in the world I had, my ego overcome me and I took the call. Ceh.. I never knew it wasnt that scary on second time. ( rosy read : I kill youuu )

After that, its getting quite misty, I mean REALLY misty and we nearly drenched. Ran to the indoor park and start looking for some nifty rides. Guess what, I always wanted to play bumper car in a group, while we were moving in 3, suddenly we saw Rengga, Sharon and they all, so we decided to play in a group, guess what happened, I was joking about, the worst driver in the world are the best bumper car driver, looks like I shouldnt've opened my mouth at all, as soon as the ride starts, everyone starts to bang into me too. It was lucky of me that I'm a good driver ( mona : masuk bakul angkat sendiri ) :P, Heh, we were like playing bumper cars for 4 times, I find it annoying thou because while we were queuing, some parents decided to be a genius and let their kids climb up the divider and cut the queue ( curses! mona : *slap* rosalind : laugh )

I actually manage to hit one of the bell there with my bad arm which is quite impressive mind ya. Neyh I never believe in wishing well or so.

As boring as the boat ride may sound, Its actually quite okay provided if you didn't get on it with your siblings lahh! I actually enjoyed the view around Genting theme park. Haha, one word here though, buffer zone! ;p , ohh you guys got what I meant.

Big Lil Sista with Nabil, haha I bet Nabil blushed when we started to tease him ;p.

I find this view nice, especially because of the misty. Some great thing happened here, bad ones too he he. The good ones? Its for me to know ;p.

Nice eh the view? My advice, wear shoes with grip, or else you can't paddle at all and had to let your partner paddle while ure slipped into slumberland. I kinda enjoyed the view and the tragedy that actually happened here. Lol. I ain't saying anything.

Chester, Sharon, Rosalind and Mona. Oh how I love group photos. The others? Gone to cinema I think.

Mommy, Daddy, and Meimei ( rolling on the floor laughing ) , blame Sharon, she started it.

Mind ya, behind us, the guy who paddles the boat is creepy. Beside us was baskin robbins and Famous Amos. /drools.

One of the nicest view captured by Mona's cam, oh I so going to go again /hopes.

Monday morning was really messy, but then you can't blame fate, at least even though plan changes, we still had our fun so whatever. * Adila : next time, when you have buffet, dont eat the heavy one first, konon la nak 4 round, satu pinggan pun tak habis *

Ever heard the quote, what goes up, must come down. Yeah, never cry because it ended, smile because it happened. =)

I like this picture alot for some reason. Too bad we didn't manage to get a whole group photo as everyone went back their own way after that. :(

I shall end this post with, there will always be a next time =) . Nexts *cough* sem *cough* break. *hintshints*. Guys, thanks alot for making me feel invited I guess ;p, it was FUN.
And I want everone's contact number and msn, puhlezz. kkthanksbb.

sincerely yours,
a random star that falls.

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♥ 1 voice out ♥

As I wonder.. @ 9:09:00 AM

Monday, January 7, 2008

1. What is your dream during your childhood?
Evil-brained genius scientist

2. You like rainy day or sunny day? Why?
Rainy, you see, rain = sleep.

3. What color that u prefer?
At the moment, black.

4. What song are you into now?
Stop and stare - one republic.

5. Where is the place you wanted to go most? Why?
Paris, haha no reason, I just happened to like going there ;p.

6. Which part of you that you hate most?
Brain? ;p

7. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
Live trough it..i guess

8. What do you scare to loss the most?
Friends and loved ones.

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? Or just keep secret in heart, observing by yourself?
Next question.

10. How many relationship(s) do you had before?
none duh. * smirk *

11. If you are forced to let go something, what would it be?
Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.

12. Till now, what is the moment that you regret most?
I kill you! :p

13. Which type of person you hate most?

14. What is your ambition?
Right now? I'm still thinking.

15. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad.
I don't judge a book by its cover that much anyway.

16. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Unlimited allowances.

17. Christmas is coming, who would like to celebrate with?
Its over la. sweat.

18. What do you think that is most important in your life?

19. At what age do you wish to marry?
Whatever happens, happens.

20. What is a blog means to you?
A place where I actually wrote memorias and stuffs, crap or whatever I want.


♥ 0 voice out ♥

As I wonder.. @ 8:59:00 PM

We cried, we screamed, we shouted, we enjoyed.
Friday, January 4, 2008

Oh well, 2007 ended. Thats the least important thing, the best part is, second trimester ended. And again, I'm sitting here, doing the same thing I'll be doing every semester hopefully, writtings memorias and leaving messages to my dearest friends and those whom I take them as my own family.

First and foremost, my daughter ;p

Azim0o0o : You know what, this semester, you don't really shine as much as last semester, by not shining I don't mean dumb, stupid or whatsoever, I mean as in you keep it low, lower than last trimester which is low enough already. Haha, I have nothing much too say about you because practically everything is self spoken already, you know what I mean.

Carmen Low : Ha ha, you're one kind of a friend ;p, imagine leaving your phone at nasi lemak shop, or din's cafe yet not to realise it until 1 hour plus in class. THAT is impressive don't you think? Haha probably one of the girl who actually pay attention in class while others are playing around.

Chesley : Heh, this one, say no more, four flatters ;p, if i really don't understand, i can just give her a call or two, or three, or I'll request her to call me ( who ask u go and use phone line? ) ;p, another ipohrians, carmen's school mate. Don't worry too much bout your driving license test, ganbatte!

Kaysha : Lol, im going to say the same thing every sem, stop vibrating like nokia phone ;p.

Sim Ming Jie : You know what man, you better come to SigWOW2 or else.. oh Dont forget, the good night message, we'll be waiting lolx.

Eros : All the fun we had in economic class, haha pity ya man kena scold everytime with Sim Ming Jie lol. Have fun during holiday!

Jeng Jeng : One of a kind, have fun in Klang, you make sure u reply to my message boy.

Calvin : you're one hell annoying person in msn seriously, you better brush up your chatting skill man or else everyone shall start blocking u from msn -_____________-'

Yuwan : he's like a brother, well he is older actually anyway rofl. Bro, if you're coming back early, tell me, I'll pick u up at sentral, make sure u are available during SigWOW or else im screwed.

Edo : bwahahahha u'll be stuck in melaka. pity u man, you're sooooooo unlucky. Wait... I'll be stuck in melaka too.. shit.

Aaron & Ivan : Dude, make sure ull be here next week, or else.. or else.. or else ILL TELL MY MUMMY.

Joanne : Haha, no n02 for at least 3 weeks. its okay, ull get your chances soon. Just enjoy your shopping spree in KL especially during this year end sale.

Keep in mind I have not finish writing all my classmates name yet and some other important peeps ;p, but no worries, I will, im just being lazy

♥ 1 voice out ♥

As I wonder.. @ 11:04:00 PM

Eight wasn't a bad number
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway

Another year has pass, somehow everything still feel the same. I don't know how, I don't know why, probably because of all those failed resolutions that kept pilling up. Ha ha, thats a laugh.

Lets see, what is my new year resolutions :

1. Pass probability.
2. Losing weight is a must.
3. Protect my totoro against random molester ( senpai bwahaha ;p ) - this is not a resolution bluekss.
4. Third trimester, I plan to study hard ( oh that is so going to happen )
5. Less lan partying in spr or more studying... crap both are hard to do.
6. Save money for a DS.
7. Spend less, gain more. ( money )
8. Write 2009 resolution earlier so I wont have to think -__-
9. Not to buy a new calculator and make sure this one wont go missing.
10. Do assignment before due date ends.


♥ 1 voice out ♥

As I wonder.. @ 8:18:00 PM

Two down, one more to go.
Monday, December 31, 2007

and exam sucks. Kinda.


♥ 0 voice out ♥

As I wonder.. @ 4:00:00 PM

Its 7.44

"Life is full of equations and my calculator's battery just died" - 'starfall'

while most of my friends are sleeping lazily on bed at the moment, I'm here stuck with the probability book under my nose, I don't care what other people would say, because exam is in another 1 hour and 15 minutes, and hell no I'm going to sit down and just wait. Am I the only one who's crazy enough to come to the campus as early as 6.30 just to finish up what was suppose to be finish up few days back? That remains to be seen.

Last but not least, good luck to all friends who'll be taking exam this week, may you'll pass in flying colours, and I don't me red. ;p, best of luck and ganbatte.


♥ 0 voice out ♥

As I wonder.. @ 7:44:00 AM


It would be a lie if i say I'm not nobody, and it would also be exaggerating to say I'm somebody. Cut it short, I'm a student, not that friendly but I try to be. ;), to keep it simple, ask people who know me. They judge me better then I judge myself.

the loves

[x] Friends
[x] Cameras
[x] Graphics
[x] Books
[x] Money (then again who doesnt?)



designer : kathleen
image : starfall
editor : starfall
helper : lilangel
lyrics : It Ends Tonight/ AAR

A falling star
Least I fall alone.
I can't explain what you can't explain.
You're finding things that you didn't know
I look at you with such disdain

August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008